You may have noticed that this, er, internet thing is here to stay.
That may be a sentence that may make sense to a slightly older generation. For the younger generations—even those born in the 90s—the internet is a given.
We are quite used to getting just about anything done from a laptop. We get our work done online, we pay bills online, we buy products online, we sell products online, we market ourselves online (think social media)… heck, we even order our meals online!
Needless to say, the average person spends quite a few hours of their day in front of a screen, be it their computer or mobile phone. In fact, according to some scary statistics, people use their phones a lot of the time even when they’re driving.
The average driver looks at their phone for about 3.5 minutes in a 1-hour car trip—which significantly increases the chances of a traffic collision, but it’s not the main point we’re trying to make here.
The point we’re trying to make is that even in, well, life-or-death situations, there’s an almost 4% chance that the average person will have a digital device in their hand.
So with all this in mind—the copious amounts of time that people spend interacting with digital devices—it’s no wonder that digital marketing is changing the way websites thrive online.
But how is it exactly that digital marketing is changing the way websites thrive online? To answer this, let’s get a quick overview of what digital marketing is, and see how its role in the marketing world has been growing for over 100 years!