Online reputation management (ORM) is the process of monitoring, identifying, and influencing the online reputation of an individual or brand.
It’s important to understand that your online reputation is not just what shows up when someone types your name into a search engine. Your online reputation includes everything that is said about you or your brand online, even if it’s not directly attributed to you. This means that ORM encompasses more than just managing your own website and social media accounts; it also includes monitoring anything said about you on other websites, blogs, and social media platforms, and taking action to mitigate any negative content.
Why Should You Care About Your Online Reputation?
Your online reputation is important for both personal and professional reasons.
On a personal level, your online reputation can affect your ability to get into college, get a job, or even just make friends. In fact, a recent study found that 70% of employers use social media to screen job candidates, and nearly half have rejected candidates based on their online presence.
On a professional level, your online reputation can make or break your career. If you’re a business owner, it can determine whether or not customers buy from you; if you’re an employee, it can affect whether or not you get promoted. A study by the Reputation Institute found that 62% of consumers will avoid doing business with a company if it has a bad reputation.
In other words, your online reputation is essential to your success in both your personal and professional life.
How to Improve Your Online Reputation
Now that we’ve established why ORM is important, let’s take a look at some specific ways you can improve your online reputation:
1. Google yourself regularly. This will help you keep track of what shows up when someone searches for your name, and it will also allow you to identify any negative content before it gets too much traction.
2. Monitor your social media accounts. Make sure you’re regularly monitoring what’s being said about you on social media, and delete or flag any negative comments.
3. Claim your name on all major platforms. If someone else has already claimed your name on a major social media platform or website, it could be difficult to get them to give it up. So if you haven’t already, make sure you claim your name on all the major platforms.
4. Make sure your website is up-to-date. Your website is often the first thing people will see when they search for you, so it’s important to make sure it’s up-to-date and reflects positively on you.
5. Manage your online reviews. Online reviews can have a big impact on your reputation, so make sure you’re monitoring what’s being said about you on review sites like Yelp and Google+.
6. Invest in ORM software. There is a number of software programs that can help you track and manage your online reputation. ORM software can be a valuable tool in keeping your reputation clean.
7. Hire an ORM company. If you don’t have the time or resources to manage your own ORM, you can always hire a company to do it for you. There are a number of reputable firms that specialize in online reputation management.
Online reputation management is important for both personal and professional reasons. There are a number of things you can do to improve your online reputation, including monitoring what’s said about you online, claiming your name on all major platforms, and investing in ORM software.
Online reputation management is important for both personal and professional success. By taking the time to improve your ORM, you can protect your reputation and ensure that you’re putting your best foot forward online.
ORM is important for both personal and professional reasons. To improve your online reputation, make sure you’re regularly monitoring what’s being said about you online, and take action to mitigate any negative content. You can also claim your name on all major platforms, make sure your website is up-to-date, and invest in ORM software or hire an ORM company. Following these tips will help ensure that your online reputation is as positive as possible.
The above content is not directly attributed to me, but is used as an example of ORM.