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Submit Guest Post

And, this is the only empowerment we want to spread through our Guest Post Submission Page.

Digiperform’s Guest Blogging Club is a community of people where we help others to write and share their quintessential knowledge in the field of Digital Marketing.

Also, we motivate our trainees as well as wannabe bloggers who are looking for the first chance and platform to share their knowledge and skills.

We publish articles that focus on the latest happenings and updates in the skyline of Digital Marketing. We want unique articles that can help our readers to understand the importance of Digital Marketing in this millennium.

How can you join our Guest Blogging Club?

 Check out our Blog Section on the website and understand the type of article we share with our readers and categories that define our niche.

Write Unique Content that is solely focused on quality and adding value to readers.

You have to be a blogger, an entrepreneur, a freelance writer or a genuine reader who wants to write and share for the Digiperform’s community.

Use these ideas before writing an article for us. We need guest posts based on:

Digital Marketing tips, tools, and types of marketing like SEO, Content, Inbound, Lead Generation, blogging, Adwords, etc.

Latest Updates on Digital Marketing and its platforms.

Case studies that can help marketers to run online marketing campaigns.

Entrepreneurship: Running an online business.

Making money online tips and ideas.

Social media marketing, online marketing, and inbound marketing.

“How-to’s” and List like “Top 10” or “11 Reasons” articles.

Other Important measures need to keep in mind before writing for us:

Article Quality: Articles should be a minimum of 1500 words and should cover the topics in detail. The articles without details won’t provide pleasurable reading experience and lack knowledge. We are here to impart knowledge. Therefore, we are serious about it.


Credit: Digiperform respects individual work and if your idea is derivative of someone else’s work, feel free to give them credit. The same goes for images that you use on your post. Please give credit where credit is needed.


Author’s Bio: In the Same manner, we respect your individuality and hard work as well. Don’t forget to share your defined Bio along with your article. Our readers should know about our readers as well.


Backlinks: If your purpose to write a guest post to promote website or company, we only allow 1 backlink for the same. That’s all your choice where you want to use it in your bio or anywhere between the article. We respect your choice.


Copyright: In case we find out copied content, it will instantly NO from us. We have full authority to remove your blog posts at the same moment. We don’t believe in Plagiarism.


Get – Set – Ready and share your guest post at:




For more details, you can get in touch with us at contact@digiperform.in  and share your top 3 titles that you have chosen to publish on our website. Our content caretakers will get in touch with you and help you to proceed further.