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How to use Facebook Ads to Generate Leads?

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I would like to add.
The main focus should be on razor sharp targeting (considering the depth to which facebook offers targeting). Based on the affinity of each of the target audience. We would need to use a mix n match of various demographics, interests and behaviour. Also, considering the lead gen card as an ad unit can do wonders. A continuous monitoring and optimizing of ads can help reduce the cost per lead and to increase the number of leads achived. Experimenting with various images, ad formats, etc can be points which should be considered to execute a result focussed campaign.

Aditi Khinda

Thanks a lot Timmy Thomas for sharing such a valuable input.


Sam, This is an awesome post. I'm right there with you. I think teaching moral lesson is &qieo;easuor&qutt; than discipling kids in being Christ-centered and represents an alarming trend. Fortunately, I see some push back against that approach, but I don't think the push is nearly hard enough. Thanks for starting this discussion. It is definitely one that needs to be had!

Jennifer Fernando

Awesome post. Thank yous for sharing such a nice article.

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