- A profession in Demand: While other industries are fighting with a growth rate of 5-10%, Digital Marketing is rolling up with an incredible growth rate of 40% and it is not going to remain stagnant. Due to this, Digital Marketing has been acknowledged as one of “The Top 5 Professions” in the world. In India itself, Our Prime Minister has confirmed that due to digitalization and encouragement of Digital India Campaign, there will be a demand of more than 18 lakhs digital jobs by coming next three years and India still don’t have enough professionals to fulfill the gap.
- Get paid more than other Professions: Due to its demand, the digital salaries are rising as companies need professionals those can target the right audiences and generate leads and sales for them. For this, Founders are ready to a handsome package to digital marketers, exclusive bonuses. Apart from job, digital marketing helps you to earn extra money many other ways like blogging, freelancing, online money making, and so on.
- You can Start Your Own Career: One of the remarkable benefits of Digital Marketing is that you can be your own boss. You can start your own business independently and market or advertise it by your own. Digital Marketing is the future of marketing and learning it will make you feel more confident and one step ahead of all the other marketing strategies and tactics.
- You can be a Freelancer: A person with Digital marketing skill can be a full-time Digital Marketer in a company as well as self-employed Freelancer. A freelancer is a term generally used for a person who is self-employed and offer services to multiple organizations at the same time. The type of work freelancers varies from person to person specialization such as social media marketing, content writer, copywriter, graphic designer and more. You can work as your wish in flexible hours.