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What is Affiliate Marketing?

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Vrisha Malan

Bloggers and internet marketers who have been working into online marketing for years are used to with an affiliate marketing, and also with the fact that it is the most productive way to make money online. In the quick words; an Affiliate Marketing is one of the popular practices of selling wherein you suggest someone to any online product and when that person purchases the product based on your suggestion, you receive a commission.
Anyways, learned a lot here today, tThanks for giving info on affiliate marketing. I have been an affiliate for few programs but failed to make a profit because I haven’t done it correctly. Also, web traffic on your site requires to be really good and targeted to get things work. Require to work on traffic first and then you can go for affiliate marketing. An Affiliate Marketing also depends on what niche are you blogging about. If you have a technology blog, you can join Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal. If you talking into web-hosting, then you can join the affiliated programs derived by Webhosting companies.
Thank you for the clear to understand information and plain descriptions. This will be quite helpful for all bloggers and online publishers…

Aditi Khinda

Thanks a lot Vrisha for sharing a valuable input.

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nice article.. thanks for sharing good information about affiliate marketing
Basically, affiliate marketing is a means of making money online by just promoting other people’s products.
This is a super awesome way to get yourself started because:
1] You do not need to create your own product to sell.
2] No customer service and product fulfilment required.
3] You are not even required to own a webpage.
4] It’s really fast and easy to get started —

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