- Advertisers pay for TrueView in-stream ads after viewers watch 30 seconds, the video ends or viewers interact with the ads.
- Ads can run anywhere from six to under 30 seconds.
- The ads are then optimized for efficient reach.
- In-stream ads, the viewers can skip the pre-roll ads just after five seconds. The Sponsors are supposed to pay only for ads that are entirely viewed or until 30 seconds have elapsed. The type of ads is suitable for short or long video content.
- In-slate ads, the sponsor pay for the ads that are selected by the viewers based on their interest and behavior. It allows viewers to among several sponsors’ ads or opt for commercial breaks interspersed through the video content. The type of ads is suitable for videos that are at least 10 minutes long.
- In-search ads, the ads are appeared in YouTube search results based on viewers keyword search or when the viewer’s search is related to the ad’s keywords. Sponsors pay for ads when the viewer begins to watch.
- In-display ads, the ads are displayed in legacy formats that means they appear in the YouTube promoted videos overlay, in video suggestions and related videos, and in Google’s Click-to-Play format. Sponsors are charged when viewers opt to watch an ad.