Start with market research
The fact is, every target demographic will react to content in different ways. For instance, baby boomers will more than likely scroll past specific posts for millennials and vice versa.Originality is the key
We know, creating content that hasn’t been done before, in some form, is really difficult. 100% unique content is actually next to impossible. With the internet, there’s likely a blog, image, or video that’s similar to what you had in mind. That’s completely fine. You have to be original with the way you conduct it. Your content should stand out, and should not look like a copy – rather, it should be your own version of something. You can still write a blog post about a prevalent topic, but do it in your own words. Add your own unique spin to it. Perhaps even share personal experiences, and include your brand throughout. Being original and authentic, you’ll undoubtedly grow a loyal group of readers and followers.Master your headlines
Creating compelling, engaging headlines is another crucial aspect of writing audience engaging content. It’s that initial attraction that pulls them in, right from the start. Headlines are so important – they always have been with written content. It might not be fair, but the majority of people decide to read something, just form looking at the headline. Which makes it all the more important to master. Don’t give too much away in your article, then they have no reason to click on it. Keep people guessing with “the reason why…” and “X tips to.” People will have a reason to consume your article that way. This actually is very similar to how you should write your YouTube and podcast titles, too. There are a few services you can use to create impressive headlines:- — a service that hires seasoned professionals with a marketing and sales copywriting background.
- Optimizely — a tool that helps you craft headlines for specific marketing goals.
- — another popular writing service that employs experienced writers with niche background.
- Taboola — besides advertising, the platform also allows headline testing.
- KingSumo — this platform can help you monitor how well your platforms will perform.