11 Types of Digital Marketing and How to Use Them
Every business has incorporated digital marketing as the most reliable tool in order to promote the business. There are different types of digital marketing that you can incorporate depending upon the type of business you are running. Here we shall...
10 Important Things to Showcase on Your Homepage
When designing a website for your business, the homepage is one part that you have to get right. It’s the very first thing that people will see when they visit your website—and, as they say, first impressions are everything. You...
Video Verification: The Ultimate Solution for User Onboarding
Coronavirus pandemic has had a great effect on digital user adoption, and as stated by Mckinsey Digital, “ the accelerated transformation to technological advancements driven by the COVID-19 will continue into the retrieval.” Companies have had to modify their customer...
Career Opportunity of Digital Marketing in Bangalore
Being known as the “Silicon Valley of India” or the “IT capital of India”, Bangalore is considered as a home to many of the public sector heavy industries, software companies, aerospace, telecommunications and defence organizations. As the public sector industries...
Job Openings In Digital Marketing Domain In Bengaluru
With a population of over 8 million and around 11 million metropolitan population, the city Bangalore capital of Karnataka is among the third most populous city and fifth-most populous urban agglomerations in India. Most famously known as the Silicon Valley...
Which Strategies Are Profitable For Small Scale Business
Starting a small business is not as easy as we might think it is. It requires the same effort, research, and strategies that big corporations require. The only difference is that small business has the flexibility of trying out different...
Best Digital Marketing Skills to learn in Bangalore
Most commonly known as the “Silicon Valley of India” or “IT capital of India”, today Bangalore is considered among one of the largest and growing metropolitan cities in India. The city Bangalore is not only referred to as the home...