I am going to start by asking you a few questions that will provide you with an idea of how influential our society can be on our psyche.
Have you ever done something merely because you knew people around you would appreciate it?
Have you ever buried your dreams, aspirations, and individuality because of the fear of exclusion from society?
Have you ever let the harshness of society make you feel less of a person than you are?
For me, the answer to all of these questions is sadly in affirmative. And I am pretty sure that you must have had the pleasure of experiencing at least one of these in your life at some point.
And this fact needs to change.
Why should we let someone else dictate our lives?
Why should we feel ashamed of ourselves because of society’s wrong judgment?
Why should we be the ones falling victim when we have the power of being the liberator?
Do you think I am wrong?
I will tell you a situation that would make you understand my point even further.
I lost my job in the pandemic, as many of us did. My primary source of income was gone with it. That was the point in my life when I had finally become loan-free after years of jumping installments because of a lack of money management.
When I lost my job, the friends I thought I had become distant. When I asked them for monetary help, nobody was willing, despite having the funds. People living in my building started looking down on me because I had not paid the rent that month and the news had spread.
I applied for government benefits and had a freelancing job; still, I needed more money, so I got one of the loans for poor credit on benefits and tried to sail through.
Even when we are at our lowest with distress being the only feeling we have, society would only contribute to making us feel worse. Why should we have to endure that?
Our society and the parameters it has set for us to fit in are not only unrealistic, but they are also more than bizarre. So, we need to break them.
We need to transcend every limitation and inhibition that society had ingrained in us and be our wonderful, beautiful, accomplished selves.
We can try doing it one person at a time. The only problem with this is that it would take decades to change every deleterious element in society and make the world a happy place for us all.
But what if there was a concept that would take this goal of transformation to a global platform? Would that not be a blessing for us all?
And the good thing is I know one such way.