Employees spend too much time searching for company information every day, instead of working with clients to make deals. It is a wasteful use of communication and management time that could have been used to accomplish mission-critical work.
Modern businesses have realized this and developed methods to ensure that all employees are productive and effective. Instead of dispersed information on a multitude of platforms, one internal wiki can answer all questions.
Your company may also be looking to improve its knowledge management abilities. The best option is to use the same model used by Wikipedia to collect, store and share collective knowledge. Before we get to the benefits of an internal wiki, however, it is important to understand exactly what it is and who uses it.
What Is an Internal Wiki?
An internal company wiki, also known as a corporate wiki, is an area where employees can store, share, and find critical information. It is your company’s long-term storage space or knowledge base. Wikis are used by companies to record information that is critical to their business operations, such as company policies, procedures and processes, common workflows, technical notes, and onboarding and training materials.
Your company wiki reduces the number of repetitive questions and allows your team to work independently. Wikis also help to protect your company against attrition, as they document knowledge that could be lost if employees leave.
Wikis can also positively impact company culture. Employees are forced to improve their writing skills by using documentation. This allows them to communicate their message clearly and concisely. Clearer writing leads to clearer thinking, which in turn improves collaboration and productivity. Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s proceed with the benefits.
Faster Onboarding of New Employees
Often, your old employees will leave their job and you’ll be left with a vacant spot that needs to be filled. This means you should go through training, explaining, and lots of patience until your new employee learns how the company works.
The internal wiki is a great resource for new employees who are trying to get their bearings in the company. It can help them find out about the company’s history, its values and culture, and the various departments and teams that make up the organization. Plus, it’s a great way to stay up-to-date on company news and announcements.
Increased Productivity
An internal wiki can also be a valuable tool for increasing productivity in any organization. Providing employees with quick and easy access to important information helps reduce the amount of time wasted searching for data or materials. In addition, an internal wiki can also help promote collaboration among employees by allowing them to share ideas and work on projects together.
A corporate wiki can also help reduce the amount of time wasted searching for data or materials. In addition, it can also help promote collaboration among employees by allowing them to share ideas and work on projects together.
Employees Leave, but Knowledge Stays
It is possible for an employee to go on vacation or leave and feel overwhelmed by the demands of the job. This can lead to a lot of stress for your employee and make them feel overwhelmed and helpless.
If everything is in the internal wiki, then the substitute can find all the information they need to do their job well.
All organizations, no matter their size or the industry they operate in, must be concerned about data security. Even for the most skilled IT staff, bad things can happen and valuable data may be lost or stolen. You can avoid this by migrating your data to private wikis. Wiki architecture makes it much harder to hack or steal information, and also reduces the chance of human error.
Internal Wiki Helps You Organize Better
Companies can use a wiki platform to manage and create a shared, internal knowledge base that will greatly improve their overall organizational structure.
A private wiki will eliminate confusion over where company information is located as it will all be in one location. This will result in a better organization for your company, which will make it easier for your employees to work efficiently.
Bottom Line
If you’re looking for an easy way to increase productivity and collaboration within your team, an internal wiki is a great solution. With an internal wiki, everyone has access to the same information at the same time, which makes it easier to stay on the same page. Not to mention, setting up and maintaining an internal wiki is relatively simple and straightforward, so there’s no reason not to give it a try.