What Digital Marketing is comprised of?
As discussed above digital marketing is comprised of various components some of which are:- Website conceptualization and creation
- Web Content Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Google AdWords & PPC Advertising
- Web Analytics
- Lead Generation & Conversion Optimization
- Social Media Marketing
- E-commerce Website marketing
- Marketplace Selling
- Search Engine Optimization
- Mobile Marketing
- Online Media Buying
- Affiliate & Adsense Marketing
Vaibhavi Tiwari
Hello, I must say you’ve written great matter, but kindly go through it once as there are quite many grammatical errors; but thanks, it really helped me to decide whether I should opt for Digital marketing or not.
Thanks Vaibhavi, for letting it to our notice. This is an old content by one of our interns. We’ll check and make changes accordingly. Keep Reading!