- Social Media Marketing Executive/Expert
- Search Engine Executive
- Content Specialist
- Digital Marketing Specialist
- Inbound Marketing Specialist
- Copy Writer
- Email Marketing Executive
- Blog Community Manager
- Campaign Executive
- Freelancer
- Web Designer
- E-commerce Specialist
- Digital Project Planner/Manager
- Brand Marketer
- Video content specialist
“Opportunities don’t happen, you create it.” Similarly, career just doesn’t happen, you make it. Your career is depended on your own decisions. What you choose and how you lead yourself in the career graph. One should take the sole responsibility of the career and make decisions according to it. I completely agree it’s not that easy to choose and decide what you want in your life. The time comes when you get stuck in your decisions and regret it later. Here in this post, I won’t make a decision for you, but definitely will try my best to guide why and what career opportunities you can get if you choose Digital Marketing as the path of your endeavors.
I know you will ask why I am only stressing for Digital Marketing. There must be many another streams in career to look for. I completely agree. But what is the point of choosing those careers where you can never feel satisfied and fulfilled? You need to follow the trend. You just can’t go and wear long bottom pants if the trend is for skinny jeans. You will look a fool. Similarly, there is no point is making those career decisions which used to be best in granny times but hold no position in today’s world. So be realistic and judgmental when it comes to your career.
So, let discuss what is digital marketing? How can digital marketing be a savior for the career? What are the jobs perspective in the same field? What are the opportunities you can endear with Digital Marketing?
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is the new form of marketing where businessmen and marketers use digital mediums and the internet as the source to target the customers or audiences for their branding and advertising. It is a universal platform. Digital marketing is not only restricted to advertising and marketing companies; several other sectors like banks, education, medical, hospitality and even Government sector are channelizing the digital platform for marketing purpose. Hence, in every field, you may be heard or see Digital Marketers grooming and nourishing in the respective fields.
It has become the need of the hour. Digital Marketing would not remain just a choice but it would have become the need of the many industries because of the competition and scope of globalization. Almost all the companies are contesting to advertise their products digitally apart from the traditional way of marketing as people are reluctantly depended on digital mediums for their survival. They have become so addicted to technology and always want to make most of it.
Nothing is hidden that the world and in fact India is on the path of digitalization. The Internet has become the most the sensational path of our lives after food. Even our Prime Minister is trying in every way to transform India into digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. He also aims at the inclusive growth in areas of electronic devices, products, manufacturing and job opportunities. This vision clearly delivers the message that the time will come when whole India will be digital empowered and blessed. As if now, there are already more than 465 million internet users all over India. Worldwide it has been reported that by 2019, there will be 3.9 billion global internet users, just over half the world’s population.
So, how digital marketing can be a savior for the career?
1) Today’s generation is very clever. They understand the importance of digital world and well aware of the fact that the companies need Digital Marketing trained professionals to overcome the gap between the business and consumers. Digital Marketing has become the mainstream in many professional courses and students are also interested in learning this skill. This shift in business and market practice is giving rise to many opportunities and even Prime Minister has promised that there will be 18 lakhs digital jobs in the coming next three years which itself gives the crystal clear vision.
2) Degrees like MBA and engineering have lost their charms and students who still want to pursue MBA, they need to know that according to study, only 7% of MBA candidates from Indian Business Schools excluding those from the top 20 Business Schools get jobs straight after completing their course and hired in the corporate sector. Rest MBA candidates are struggling to get the job as per their qualification. Same is the scenario with Engineering.
3) Due to its demand, the digital salaries are rising as companies need professionals those can target the right audiences and generate leads and sales for them. For this, Founders are ready to a handsome package to digital marketers, exclusive bonuses. Apart from job, digital marketing helps you to earn extra money many other ways like blogging, freelancing, online money making and so on. So it gives a good reason to get highly paid jobs as compared to other peers.
4) One of the remarkable benefits of Digital Marketing is that you can be your own boss. You can start your own business independently and market or advertise it by your own. Digital Marketing is the future of marketing and learning it will make you feel more confident and one step ahead of all the other marketing strategies and tactics.
5) A person with Digital marketing skill can be a full-time Digital Marketer in a company as well as self-employed Freelancer. A freelancer is a term generally used for a person who is self-employed and offer services to multiple organizations at the same time. The type of work freelancers varies from person to person specialization such as social media marketing, content writer, copywriter, graphic designer and more. You can work as your wish in flexible hours.
What are the jobs perspective and opportunities in the same field?
As per the demand in the market, I have listed top digital marketing jobs. These are:
From this, it is evident that the salary range starts from 1.5 lacs per annum and can reach up to 30.0 lacs per annum. Of course, there will be variations based on your skill set, experience, and other such factors. However, the sky is the limit for those who show their true potential!
Koppula pratap
i have completed graduation .last year am i eligible for digital marketing job .